Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority. (MHADA)

In Mumbai, a significant portion, or 60% of the population, resides in slums. Despite being the financial capital of Mumbai, Numerous individuals reside in substandard housing conditions. In response to this situation, the Maharashtra state government initiated the MHADA program, aimed at offering housing solutions to those who are less privileged. This mission, worth crores, is dedicated to providing homes for the underprivileged residents of the city.

Its primary objective is to improve the living standards of marginalized segments of the population by creating affordable residential apartments through a range of housing projects. Over the course of the last seven decades, MHADA has been instrumental in supplying cost-effective housing options to around 750,000 families in the state, with a substantial proportion, totalling 250,000 homes, situated in the vibrant city of Mumbai.

The state government has additionally set up regional housing boards, with the aim of ensuring housing for all and enhancing housing choices while tackling distinctive urban development challenges.

Mumbai Housing and Area Development Board (MHADB): Established in 1948, MHADB, formerly known as the Bombay Housing Board, initially covered the entire state, except Vidarbha.

Pune Housing and Area Development Board: Founded in 1977, this regional unit serves five districts in the Pune Division, working on providing shelter for public services.

Konkan Housing and Area Development Board: Established in 1981, this board operates in four districts in the Konkan Division: Thane, Raigad, Ratnagiri, and Sindhudurg. Its responsibilities include land

Aurangabad Housing and Area Development Board: Established in 1977, this regional unit serves eight districts in the Aurangabad Division. Its activities include constructing tenements.

MHADA's significant achievements in Mumbai alone include the construction of approximately 300,000 housing units. This transformation and expansion of housing authorities in Maharashtra underscore the government's commitment to addressing the housing needs of its citizens and improving living conditions across the state.